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Small Agency Conference

The Small Agency Conference was designed to offer quality continuing education, networking opportunities and a regionally recognized trade show.

The conference will benefit all agency staff, including owners, principals, agency managers, producers and CSRs. The Small Agency Conference provides education sessions focused on coverage-based topics, ethics, E&O, etc., which could provide you with up to 10 CE credits.

You'll find networking opportunities, including the Crawfish Feast, Hospitality Crawl, etc. Finally, the main event is a regionally-recognized trade show with over 100 exhibitors and nearly 300 agents in attendance. 

Upcoming Conference

March 19-21, 2025
Holiday Inn, Columbia, MO

Hotel Booking Link

Hotel cut-off date is February 16, 2025.



1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
E&O: A Look Inside Agency Operations
Speaker: Angie Heavener
Filed/pending for 3 ethics CE credits in Mo. and Kan.

5:00 - 7:30 p.m.
Crawfish Feast


8:00 - 9:00 a.m.
Registration Opens & Breakfast Served

9:00 - 10:00 a.m.
Sunrise Session: Umbrella vs. Excess Liability
Speaker: Nicole Broch
Approved for 1 p-c CE credit in Mo. and Kan.

10:00 - 11:00 a.m.
Keynote: How to Harness the Power of Habits
Speaker: Sheldon Snodgrass, MBA

11:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Networking Luncheon

12:30 - 4:15 p.m.
Offsite Risk Management Walking Tour
Speaker: Angie Heavener
Approved for 3 general CE credits in Mo. and Kan. (This course is FULL. If you are interested in being placed on the waiting list, please email Sherri Mistretta, If a spot becomes available, we will contact you.)

12:30 - 2:20 p.m.
Afternoon Breakout Sessions

Long-Term Care Insurance 
Speaker: Charlie Matejowsky
Approved for 2 l-h CE credits in Mo. and Kan.

Insurance Trivia
Speaker: Ken Hauck
Approved for 2 general CE credits in Mo. and Kan.

How Your Business Can Thrive and Survive in a Chat GPT & AI World 
Speaker: Burton Kelso

2:30 - 4:20 p.m.
Repeat Concurrent Sessions

4:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Professional Headshots
4:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Company Reception/Trade Show

Following the Trade Show
Hospitality Crawl


8:30 - 11:00 a.m.

Breakfast & Breakout Sessions

Ethics for Today's Insurance Professional
Speaker: Ken Hauck
Approved for 2 ethics CE credits in Mo. and Kan.

Emerging Threats: Staying Ahead of Cybersecurity Risks for Small Businesses 
Speaker: Burton Kelso


Full Registration Options


By Feb. 19
After Feb. 19
Full Registration - Electronic book of materials in advance:
Includes education sessions, meals & social functions listed on the conference agenda. Does not include E&O Seminar or Crawfish Feast.




Full Registration - Physical book of materials onsite:
Includes education sessions, meals & social functions listed on the conference agenda. Does not include E&O Seminar or Crawfish Feast.
Spouse Registration: Includes the same as a full registration. Does not include onsite SAC book, E&O Seminar or Crawfish Feast. 

Exhibitor Registration Options

Exhibitor Registration:
Available to those with exhibit booth ONLY. Includes Thurs. lunch, trade show, and reception with food and beverage.

Exhibit Booth: 
Each individual must purchase a registration option as well.
Optional Items


By Mar. 5
After Mar. 5
Errors & Omissions Seminar (Wed., March 20, Holiday Inn, Columbia):
Crawfish Feast (Wed. March 20, Columbia Knights of Columbus, 5-7:30 PM)
If purchased at door, cost is $45 each. Must be 21 to attend.
Trade Show Only - Retail Agency Members Only
(Thurs., March 21, 4:30-7:30 PM)

Professional Headshots (Thurs., March 21, 4:00-5:00 PM)
Available to MAIA members ONLY - Space is limited.



Prices subject to change until event details are finalized.

Exhibit Booth registration will open for members in early February 2025.

This conference offers companies, vendors and wholesalers three hours of exclusive time in front of Missouri agents in the exhibit hall. There are around 100 exhibitors, including both p-c and l-h insurance companies, wholesalers, technology vendors, etc. 

The booth hours are from 4:30-7:30 PM on Thursday. Company prize drawings begin at 7 PM. Each individual working the booth must be registered; see registration tab for pricing. On average, this conference draws around 300 agents, 70 wholesalers and 230 company reps. These agents come from all-size agencies in both rural and urban areas around Missouri.