E&O Risk Management
The Big “I” Risk Management Website – E&O Guardian (eoguardian.com) – offers exclusive risk management information and tools to help agency staff of Swiss Re Corporate Solutions' policyholders avoid E&O claims and improve business practices. Agency E&O risk management starts with creating a culture where staff understands that their actions really do make a difference, and can potentially prevent (or cause) the agency to be sued. The E&O Guardian website can help develop this culture by providing policyholders with access to:
Tools to use: Tools that can help the agency on a daily basis including an agency E&O self-assessment, sample coverage checklists, sample disclaimers, file documentation and retention information, sample customer letters, and more.
Claims Information: The most frequent types of E&O claims, common errors and problems causing E&O claims, and practical real-life E&O case studies demonstrating how claims can be avoided.
Articles, Content, and Podcasts: E&O related articles on ways to avoid claims, including an archive of IA Magazine’s monthly “E&O Angle” articles and E&O Claims Advisor Newsletters, E&O quick tips for all positions in the agency, and podcasts on avoiding E&O claims from social media, certificates of insurance, natural catastrophes, and much more.